City of Asheville opens survey on RADTIP southern section

In June, the City of Asheville announced that staff will need to phase in the building of some components of the  River Arts District Transportation Improvement Project (RADTIP), due to budgetary constraints. City Council authorized construction of a modified RADTIP plan on June 27, one that preserves core project elements. These include roadway improvements along Lyman Street and Riverside Drive adjacent to the French Broad River, including sidewalks, bike lanes, a greenway, on-street parking, public art and stormwater improvements. The plan will also include a 2.2 mile piece of the Wilma Dykeman Riverway, an urban parkway designed to support sustainable development along approximately 8 miles of French Broad River and Swannanoa River corridor.

At this same meeting, Council directed staff to analyze the feasibility of widening the southern section of the greenway from 10 to 12 feet to 16 feet.

City staff shared information about these developments at two meetings July 28-29 and took written comments from participants.


Online survey

If you were not able attend the community meetings in person, please complete this online survey. This Open City Hall Asheville survey will remain active until August 7. Registration is not required, but encouraged to verify local input. Registration is quick and easy. No information is shared with a third party.