Asheville Police name Detective of the Year

Det. Jonathan C. Morgan of the Asheville Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Unit has been named Investigator of the Year for “exemplary work throughout the year, exceeding all expectations of a detective by routinely displaying excellence working in the field of criminal investigations and distinguishing himself as a model investigator.”


Nominated by his peers, he is described as tenacious, with a strong work ethic.  He is also described as honest, knowledgeable and the very definition of common sense. Det. Tony Johnson, who along with Det. Brad Butterfield, submitted his name for the award, stated that Det. Morgan’s work represents the “Gold Standard” in Investigations and he can be counted on as a voice of reason.


The APD and the citizens of Asheville are very lucky to have someone of Det. Morgan’s integrity and devotion to duty,” said APD Chief Tammy Hooper. “It is with great pride that the APD Family is able to share this moment with Det. Morgan and his family.”


Along with a handsome certificate, detectives who receive the honor are given a deer stalker cap in lieu of a trophy. The deer stalker cap, known by most as being worn by fictional character Sherlock Holmes, is the physical representation of a quintessential detective.