Have a safe and fun Halloween!

In an effort to ensure everyone has a fun and safe Halloween, the Asheville Police Department has these safety tips:

Safety at Home:

• Turn on exterior home light
• Keep walkways free of obstructions
• Don’t allow anyone in your home that you don’t know

Costume Safety:

• Choose bright colored costumes. If dark colored costumes are selected, affix reflective tape for visibility
• Consider using makeup rather than a mask. Masks reduce peripheral vision and present a hazard to children wearing them
• If masks are used, cut eye holes large enough to provide improved vision
• On the inside of the costume, affix the child’s name, address and phone number

Trick-or-Treating Safety

• Plan out a route that will be followed
• Cross streets at intersections, never mid-block or from between parked cars
• Walk on sidewalks when provided. If they aren’t available, consider a different route or walk facing the flow of traffic
• Parents, remind children that you need to inspect all candy before they eat it
• Increase visibility by providing children with a functioning flashlight or glow stick
• Never take shortcuts across alleys, back yards or fields
• Instruct children not to enter strange cars or homes
• Avoid Trick-or-Treating in areas and homes with which you are not familiar

Treat Safety and Other Tips

Treats – Don’t Forget the Safety Check

• Check for loose or tampered packaging
• Discard open candy and fruit
• If fruit is to be eaten, wash and cut it into small bite-sized portions to allow for internal inspection
• Avoid consuming homemade treats unless a parent can be certain of the source

Other tips to stay safe

• Attend public activities such as trunk-or-treat
• Host a family function
• Organize a neighborhood block party
• Have a safe, enjoyable time
• To avoid creating a monster, don’t let children eat all of their candy at once!